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Exports hit more than US$65 billion in January 2024

The export turnover achieved more than US$65 billion in January 2024 and recorded impressive growth in exports and imports.

According to General Department of Vietnam Customs, in the first month of 2024, the country’s exports reached US$34.53 billion, an increase of 46% over the same period in 2023.

All key export product groups grew impressively. Among them are seven product groups with a turnover of US$1 billion or more, including phones and components; computers, electronic products and components; machinery, equipment, tools, spare parts; textile; footwear; wood and wood products; transport vehicles and spare parts.

Notably, phones and components have regained the No. 1 position in exports with a turnover of US$5.58 billion, an increase of 11.4% over the same period last year.

On the other hand, import turnover reached US$30.9 billion, rising 34.4% over the same period in 2023.

In the first month of the year, there were 4 groups of imported goods with a turnover of 1 billion USD or more, including computers, electronic products and components; machinery, equipment, tools, spare parts; fabric; iron and steel.

Moreover, computers, electronic products and components continue to maintain their position as the largest imported goods group with a turnover of US$8.56 billion, an increase of 30.5%. The remaining product groups also had impressive growth, even import turnover of iron and steel increased by 101.6% (reaching nearly US$1.06 billion).

Thus, in January 2024, the country’s import-export turnover achieved an impressive figure of US$65.43 billion and the trade surplus reached US$3.63 billion.

Source: Customs News

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