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Port of Los Angeles surpasses 960,000 TEUs in August

The Port of Los Angeles handled 960,597 TEUs in August, marking a 16% increase compared to the same month last year. This made it the busiest non-pandemic month in the port’s history.

By the end of August 2024, the Californian port is tracking 17% ahead of its 2023 performance, having already moved nearly a million more containers than the previous year.

“The American consumer continues to spend and that’s helping to power our economy. Some of the cargo arriving now is replenishing inventories even beyond the year-end holiday season. Combined with a steady flow of manufacturing parts and components, we should continue to see elevated volume in the near term,” stated Gene Seroka, Executive Director at Port of Los Angeles.

At a briefing, George Goldman, President and CEO of CMA CGM’s North America division—one of the world’s leading companies in ocean shipping, logistics, and terminal operations—joined Seroka to discuss the reasons behind the recent surge in volume at US ports and what trends are expected in the months ahead.

“It’s been a very busy summer on our docks and I’m thankful to all of our dedicated waterfront workers and terminal operators for their commitment for handling this level of volume safely and efficiently through America’s Port,” pointed out Seroka.

Source: Container News

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